Photo Credit: Heather Lindgren
Meet Your LC
Kendra Williams, IBCLC, Dipl. OM, CLC, CBD
My journey into Birth Work and Lactation started while studying Traditional Chinese Medicine in Austin, TX, but my passion for holistic womb healing and infant feeding got stronger after the birth of my son. The support I received from Lactation Consultants and other professionals while navigating a tongue tie and feeding difficulties led me to continue my education and transition from a CLC (Certified Lactation Counselor) to a Lactation Consultant. During the Mentorship phase, I noticed that prenatal education was a big factor in the successful start of breastfeeding, so as an IBCLC, my focus is education, remembrance of our bodies’ natural ability to nourish our children, and the importance of having a supportive village to do so.
Soon, I hope to reintroduce Acupuncture to this practice, to provide another modality for Lactation support and Postpartum healing.